NOTE on recommended software: If you would like to have software installed on your home computer, similar to the one in the lab, please refer to the following links: Part 1: Getting Started Part 2: Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions and Tables. In the next post we'll look at animating our presentations. The beamer 'go to' button, the beamer 'skip' button and the beamer 'return' button: This concludes our second discussion on adding content to our presentation. Scientific WorkPlace is a comprehensive text editor that supports tools for math exercises, catering to students, teachers and other types of users. Each frame corresponds to a single presentation slide. Creating frames All the information in a Beamer presentation is contained in frames. MacKichan Software Technical Support Creating Beamer presentations in Scienti–c WorkPlace and Scienti–c WordMarch 2006 11 / 24. Content is created in the frame environment, and each frame can be made up of a number of slides using a simple notation for specifying material to appear on each slide. The class works in both PostScript and direct PDF output modes, using the pgf graphics system for visual effects. The beamer L a T e X class can be used for producing slides.